About CandyVille

CandyVille is a new and rising Indian confectionery brand offering classic traditional candies like Kamarkattu, Peanut Chikkis & candies, Coconut Candies, Mint Toffees and Kids Lollipops. Simply Delightful is our tagline as our treats are simple with no tricks and delights you in every aspect - taste, quality, portion and packaging.

Our journey started off in the 1960s as a humble confectioner catering to local flavours and taste of Tamil Nadu back then.

From Halwas to Soan Papdis; Javvu mittai to Kamarkattu; Chikkis to Soft Toffees; Sugar Boiled Hard candies to lollipops; our expertise runs broad and deep.

Do you still love your childhood sweet treats? The coconut burfis, peanut chikkis, orange, kaccha aam candy etc., Are your doubts about authenticity of the recipe, fear about the quality of ingredients, cooking hygiene and standards keeping you away from your childhood favorites and making you think again in letting your child indulge on those treats? Worry not, we at CandyVille strive to ensure the authenticity of the recipes, quality of the ingredients, maintain high standard hygiene in cooking and packaging.

Our treats are now available in convenient and modernly relevant packaging and portion. We also believe in less waste packaging and avoid single use plastics as much as we can by bulk packaging our candies in Reusable Tins or Recyclable PET jars. As you relish a jar of candies, you also save the earth from 40 to 85 single use plastic wrappers.

So what are you waiting for? Let's slurp guilt free, we've got a sweet treat for everyone in your family


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